Walk & Talk Therapy

Sometimes called eco therapy, nature therapy, or more simply put walking sessions these therapy sessions are held in the great outdoors. Without a doubt this is my favorite way to hold a therapy sessions. Scientifically it has proven benefits as well and not just the ones you’d immediately think of associated with exercise.

“One of the most popular treatments for PTSD and anxiety disorders is based on the science of walking” (read more about that here). There’s something so powerful about walking side by side while talking through what ails us. I recommend it most for clients struggling with anxiety and traumatic experiences but it can be helpful for anyone looking for an “out of the box” approach to therapy.

Ready to give it a try?

Walk & Talk sessions are held at a mutually agreed upon location in Vernon, NJ. We’ll go at your pace and enjoy the benefits of both walking and nature. Read all about Walk & Talk therapy here.

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